What is the recommended number of times per week it is to have sex?
How many times per week should we have sex? The simple and correct answer to this question is that we should sex as often as we feel the urge.
The brain produces oxytocin when there is physical touch. This happens in both men and women. Orgasm triggers the release of vasopressin and oxytocin in the brain. These hormones are known as “feel-good” hormones. They also promote and support attachment.
However, studies have shown that sexual desire and needs can be categorized by age.
Statistics show that a couple aged 30 years has an average of two to three sexual relations per day, with their frequency declining as they age.
It’s normal for a 40 year-old couple not to have sex as often as a 20 year-old couple.
Around the age of 20, a frequency of about 3-4 times per week is possible. Around the age 35, there are 2-3 weekly contacts, while at 45, it is a maximum of 2. People have sexual intercourse once a week at 60.
The frequency of age changes
According to doctors who specialize in obstetrics or gynecology, a young man can have sexual relationships daily, or even multiple times per day. It will become more difficult for him, however, to keep in shape as he gets older.
For women, 35 is the ideal age for sex. The lack of orgasm affects women between 18 and 30, 54%, but 36% suffer from a lack of sexual desire. This is a trend that begins to change around age 35. Women are more confident and have a better chance of finding a partner.
The studies also debunked many other myths about sex. It was shown that men do not think about sex all of the time, and that sex is the most important part of their lives. Both men and women are equally concerned with sex. It seems that sex is more important than a high income.
Statistics show that the first 2 years of marriage are the most successful. After that, the couple should make every effort to live a happy life. Neuman explains that there are many everyday factors that can affect households. You may have been looking for topics to talk about with your partner before you got married. However, when you get married, it is important that you only discuss the everyday concerns of the couple, such as the bank rates, mortgage payments, and the need for sleep. These obligations don’t create a romantic atmosphere or help couples have a satisfying sex life.
Women reach orgasm faster
Statistics also reveal that men recover much faster than women and that each contact takes longer. The woman, however, is multi-orgasmic by her nature.
A woman doesn’t need to take a long break in order to have an orgasm again. The study found that men prefer to express their emotions through actions and gestures rather than words. This is because it is easier for women.
“The human body only has four hunger pangs: sex, food, water, and sleep. You don’t need food if you get enough sleep and enough sex. It’s amazing how many parties there are. A normal man has one sex per week. You live three years longer if you have sex twice as often. You get more sex the better. Your life expectancy increases. Women want better sex. Men prefer more sex. Specialists agree that orgasms are important for women. However, good sex is also beneficial to them.
- Orgasm is the best analgesic
- Sex reduces breast and prostate cancer
- Increases immunity
- energizes
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Increases self-confidence