Sex parties are common when you’re at the start of a relationship. They are often frequent and all-encompassing, with no stoppage. As time passes, things will change and sex will be positioned at the end of the priority list. Sometimes, you may even wonder if you have a normal relationship.

Here’s the opinion of experts in couple therapy.

What happens to sex in relationships?

You reach the horizontal in the first few months of a relationship. However, this does not mean you should be a sex maniac. Science is the key! Your body and that of your partner emit hormones that can lead to attachment. It is also very exciting to see each other’s bodies. It is not possible to exchange fluids at such high altitudes until you reach old age. As the relationship develops, it is natural to not have as much sex at the beginning. It does not mean you are less in love with each other. This happens because you are comfortable with each other, you share a safe relationship, and you both have a lasting emotional bond.

But, what is normal?

It is important to get rid of all the negative information you have heard about sex and what others are doing. These are subjective ideas that can have a huge impact on your perceptions of sex. Everything should be connected to you. To do this, ask the following questions:

1. What number of sex parties is enough?

2. Are I happy with the number of sex partners in my relationship?

If you answer “YES” to the second question, it doesn’t matter whether this is one per year or ten per week. It doesn’t matter if you are happy or not. If you are unhappy with the quality or quantity of sex parties you have been invited to, it’s important to discuss your expectations and needs with your partner.

I am too young to stop having sex every day!

No matter your age, whether you’re a teenager or in your 30s. If you are in a long-term relationship with someone, it is the same. You will “calm down” with time. This is something that many young couples forget to realize. Dr. d’Felice said that many young couples get married after they have their children and then wonder why they don’t have as many sex while they’re still young. Long-term relationships are great because the partners know each others well and know what they like and dislikes. It’s easy to push the right buttons. Because they have been together for so long, they are comfortable around each other and can experiment with different “spicinesses” without embarrassment or fear. These spices can also increase the libido.

It’s what I want, but it isn’t for him/her!

In a couple, each partner will always want more than the others. There are many factors that can influence libido. These include stress, health, financial problems, and problems at work. “Relationships mean compromise. It is up to everyone to keep it that way. Dr. d’Felice explains that you can discuss sex as well as the family budget until you find a common denominator.

It’s not about blaming each other. Actually, it’s nobody’s fault. It’s not your fault. Talk about your feelings and be honest with yourself. “We don’t have sex as frequently as we used to and I fear that you don’t want me anymore!” This can be a good way to start a conversation. Do not dramatize the situation. Instead, say “We must talk now!” You can make your partner defensive and intimidate him.

I don’t want to be married/wives anymore!

Some people lose interest over time in their partner. “For a variety of reasons, it seems that your partner is losing interest in you. Think about how sexy and confident you feel before you make any decisions. Go out on the town. Follow your partner and follow others. What did he/she see in you? Are you a fan of him/her? Dr. Cecilia d’Felice advises that this trick will change your perception.

If you are still not in love with your life partner after a while, it is a good idea to let him know. You shouldn’t keep someone close without ever having sex. Each person has the right for a second chance.

People place sex at bottom of their priorities because of everyday worries. This is why many couples are affected. These are some ways to ensure your sex life doesn’t suffer. These seduction techniques will make your wife more interested in sex and happy.

Grab his attention and say to him that you would like to have sex.

You can make your wife feel special by giving her a seductive glance that makes you look at her and lets you know how sexy you are. This is a much better way to make your wife feel loved than saying, “Honey, it has been three days since I had sex and it’s time for me to have it again!” You would be very upset if your wife said this to you. She wouldn’t interpret the words in the same manner.

You can send her signals to let her know what you want!

Create a body language your wife can understand: a caress or a tantric kiss in an area you know is sensitive, etc. You can do it in public. According to sexologists, messages that are sent when another person is present are more exciting. Even more so if you understand what the movement means.

Do not miss the chance to tell your wife how much sex you love.

Don’t forget to tell your wife every time you speak, what you enjoy most about sex. How did you feel the last time you were in love? What would you do if you could repeat the experience? You can leave messages in your home or purse. To fulfill her matrimonial duties, she will accept anything that makes her feel happy, valued, and not forced to have sexual relations.

If you give him more attention, it will be easier for you to convince him to have sex.

Ever wonder why you sex so much more before marriage? It’s simple. Because you were more attentive to him before marriage. When you place the pirostris before the altar, you feel certain of her feelings and then you stop paying attention to this chapter. You can imagine that she isn’t your wife but a woman you want every day to conquer. You already know what you need to do. You will convince her if you were able to convince her in the beginning of your relationship. Make her feel special and give her small gifts. You should show him that you are paying attention to him.

Surprise her with a morning shower! You can convince her with hot water and your affections to have sex.

Hot water combined with fine shower gels, your caresses and a good mix of heat can lead to success. You should not underestimate the power and potential dangers of the unexpected. You have nothing to lose by surprising your wife with a morning shower. You can only win, on the contrary!

How many times per week should we have sex? The simple and correct answer to this question is that we should sex as often as we feel the urge.

The brain produces oxytocin when there is physical touch. This happens in both men and women. Orgasm triggers the release of vasopressin and oxytocin in the brain. These hormones are known as “feel-good” hormones. They also promote and support attachment.

However, studies have shown that sexual desire and needs can be categorized by age.

Statistics show that a couple aged 30 years has an average of two to three sexual relations per day, with their frequency declining as they age.

It’s normal for a 40 year-old couple not to have sex as often as a 20 year-old couple.

Around the age of 20, a frequency of about 3-4 times per week is possible. Around the age 35, there are 2-3 weekly contacts, while at 45, it is a maximum of 2. People have sexual intercourse once a week at 60.

The frequency of age changes

According to doctors who specialize in obstetrics or gynecology, a young man can have sexual relationships daily, or even multiple times per day. It will become more difficult for him, however, to keep in shape as he gets older.

For women, 35 is the ideal age for sex. The lack of orgasm affects women between 18 and 30, 54%, but 36% suffer from a lack of sexual desire. This is a trend that begins to change around age 35. Women are more confident and have a better chance of finding a partner.

The studies also debunked many other myths about sex. It was shown that men do not think about sex all of the time, and that sex is the most important part of their lives. Both men and women are equally concerned with sex. It seems that sex is more important than a high income.

Statistics show that the first 2 years of marriage are the most successful. After that, the couple should make every effort to live a happy life. Neuman explains that there are many everyday factors that can affect households. You may have been looking for topics to talk about with your partner before you got married. However, when you get married, it is important that you only discuss the everyday concerns of the couple, such as the bank rates, mortgage payments, and the need for sleep. These obligations don’t create a romantic atmosphere or help couples have a satisfying sex life.

Women reach orgasm faster

Statistics also reveal that men recover much faster than women and that each contact takes longer. The woman, however, is multi-orgasmic by her nature.

A woman doesn’t need to take a long break in order to have an orgasm again. The study found that men prefer to express their emotions through actions and gestures rather than words. This is because it is easier for women.

“The human body only has four hunger pangs: sex, food, water, and sleep. You don’t need food if you get enough sleep and enough sex. It’s amazing how many parties there are. A normal man has one sex per week. You live three years longer if you have sex twice as often. You get more sex the better. Your life expectancy increases. Women want better sex. Men prefer more sex. Specialists agree that orgasms are important for women. However, good sex is also beneficial to them.

  • Orgasm is the best analgesic
  • Sex reduces breast and prostate cancer
  • Increases immunity
  • energizes
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Increases self-confidence

All the feelings and impulses that drive us to have intimate relationships with others and have sexual and emotional interactions with them is called sexual desire. These drives and the desire for intimacy and to be able to relate with others are part of our daily lives. However, there will be times when we lose sight of these desires.

If you are feeling that your sexual appetite has diminished and you don’t know how to fix it, you should read the article below.

What is libido and how does it work?

First, it is important to understand that libido refers to the desire for sexual pleasure. Libido, like behavior, is the response of sexual attraction. Feeling sexual attraction is completely natural.

Female libido refers to the condition in which women have a high level of hormones and chemical reactions within their central nervous system, you can only stimulate your libido if you watch adult movies on sites like this The menstrual cycle’s pre-ovulation period is associated with greater female receptivity and higher sexual motivation. This stage of the cycle sees estrogen levels rise while progesterone levels drop. These issues would favor women’s libido.

Men with a lower sexual appetite have less sexual thoughts and fantasies and a reduced frequency of sexual activity. It is not interesting to have sexual stimulation via visuals, words, or touch. Low libido men often keep their sexual function, and may have sex to please their partner.
What causes can cause a decrease in libido for men and women?

Individuals’ sexual desire (libido), can vary greatly and may be temporarily diminished by stress, anxiety, fatigue, and other factors. As we age, our sexual desire decreases. Low libido can cause partner to be unhappy.

Low libido may be a problem that lasts for years. This could be due to a traumatizing childhood sexual experience, or learning to suppress sexual thoughts. However, a decreased libido is more common after years of sexual desire. Depression, anxiety, and problems in relationships are all common causes. A decreased sexual drive can also be caused by chronic kidney disease.


Studies show that menopause can lead to a decline in sex drive. Up to 40% of women experience a loss of libido after menopause. The vagina can become dry and irritated during menopause, which can reduce the enjoyment of sex and decrease your desire to have it.

Low testosterone

Testosterone, a hormone closely linked to sex life for both men and women, is closely connected. Low testosterone is more common in seniors because your testosterone levels gradually decrease as you get older. Hypogonadism is a condition where the testicles and ovaries stop functioning properly, which can cause it to drop in testosterone.

An early eating pattern, weight gain, testicular injury, infection, and certain cancer treatments can all affect testosterone levels.

Hormonal contraceptive methods

The hormone-based medical birth control methods such as the combined pill or patch, which disrupt the body’s normal hormonal balance, are known as hormonal medical birth control. Women may feel that hormonal contraceptive use can reduce their desire to have sex, as hormones such as estrogen regulate sexual function.

Prescription drugs

Some prescription drugs can cause a decrease of libido. This includes some medications used to treat high bloodpressure, such as methyldopa and clonidine, as well as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which are used to treat depression, and certain antipsychotic drugs.

These drugs can cause changes in the blood flow to the genitals. This makes it more difficult to maintain an erection and decreases interest in sex.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes can lead to side effects such as low libido or reduced sexual function. A study in Iran found that 53% had low sexual desire.

Anxiety and depression

Lack of libido is closely linked to depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental illnesses. You may have unpleasant events with your loved ones.

The best way to increase libido

Low libido can be caused by anxiety, relationship problems, health problems, and age. A low libido does not necessarily cause a problem with satisfaction, but it can have a negative impact on relationships, sex lives, self-esteem, and other aspects of a person’s life.

These include medications such as hormone therapies and pills for potency. However, the specialist should also be able to recommend other treatments, including natural remedies and sports. A doctor who is experienced in many problems can provide such advice.

Sport and diet

Regular aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening are great ways to increase strength, enhance your mood, and boost your libido. Both men and women can exercise at the gym or on the treadmill. There are many other activities that will challenge us to get rid of sedentary lifestyles and diseases. You are the only one who can decide how much energy and what we have. For more information, see the Facebook articles.

A healthy diet can improve sex drive. It stimulates good circulation and heart health, and eliminates foods that lower libido or increase energy. Impaired sexual function can also be caused by metabolic syndrome or cardiovascular disease. PCOS can also affect hormone levels which can cause a disruption in libido. A high-quality diet rich in vegetables, lean protein, and low sugar can prevent libido disorders.


Another approach is to find ways to manage professional, daily, and financial stress. This will improve sexual desire. Let’s also quit smoking when we feel anxious or stressed. Smoking cigarettes can have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system. For good sexual function, it is essential to have a healthy heart. For many reasons, energy levels can also be a problem.

Natural remedies

Although there is not much research into how herbal remedies affect sex drive, some people find them helpful.

Many plant-based products, including natural ones, that have no contraindications have begun to hit the market in capsules or gels for penis enlargement and potency.

According to a 2015 review, there are limited data but growing evidence that these herbal remedies can increase sex life.

  • quack
  • Tribulus
  • Ginkgo
  • Ginseng

It is important to seek medical advice before taking herbal medicines. Some herbal medicines may interact with other medicines, resulting in sexual dysfunction or increased sexual desire. Facebook can cause a number of complications and problems that could lead to you turning to a doctor.